Can store-bought chicks be imprinted?

Blog reader, Tim, wrote to me:

Hello there,

Do you recommend against buying chicks from the tractor stores due to lack of imprinting? I’ve been told that they are a week to 10 days old at those stores.

Thank you,


Here’s my response:

Hi Tim,

I’m not sure how old they are at those stores, but for anyone who wants to imprint, I would recommend against it.

Most farm stores have chicks shipped to them and any time you ship chicks, you risk missing the imprinting period.

Additionally, chicks who are shipped to a store and then moved again to your home brooder go through additional stress (compared to having them shipped straight to your home.)

But to be honest, I don’t recommend having chicks shipped at all. I have a blog post on this topic if that interests you-, check out my article, Think twice about ordering chicks through the mail (the dire effects of shipping).

If at all possible, I recommend picking up chicks straight from a hatchery as early as the hatchery allows. Hatching at home is another option if you’re into that.



For more on imprinting, see my article:


Do shipped chicks need heat lamps NOT brooder plates?


Should you keep food and water inside the chicken coop or outside?