Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
In this post, you’ll learn where you can find the many different varieties of Leghorn and Leghorn Bantam chickens.
Leghorn chicken facts
Category: Eggs
Origin: Italy
Egg laying ability: Exceptional
Broodiness: Low
Meat production: Poor
Cold tolerance: Poor-moderate
Heat tolerance: Exceptional
Predator evasion: Good to exceptional
Foraging ability: Good
Toleration for confinement: Low-moderate
Temperament: Flighty, active
Aggression toward flock members: Variable
Noise level: Moderate-high
To learn everything you need to know to decide if Leghorn chickens are right for you, check out my article, Leghorn chickens: Stunning egg-laying fowl that come in every color.
Leghorn and Leghorn Bantam chickens: Hatcheries and breeders
The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Leghorn or Leghorn Bantam chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Map Icon Key:
Red = Leghorns for sale
Yellow = Leghorn Bantams for Sale
Orange = Leghorns & Leghorn Bantams for Sale
Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders by variety
The map above shows all Leghorn varieties for sale. Click on the links below to find where you can buy a particular Leghorn variety.
Brown Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
Brown Leghorn chickens come in a couple different varieties of brown. Light Brown is the most popular.
Brown Leghorns also come in a Single Comb and a Rose Comb variety. Single Combs are highly prone to frostbite, whereas Rose Combs tend to be frostbite-resistant.
Unfortunately, the Rose Comb variety is hard to find. I could only find one hatchery with this variety—Murray McMurray Hatchery in Iowa. You can find their Rose Comb Brown Leghorns here.
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of Brown Leghorn hens, roosters, and chicks.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Brown Leghorn chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Map Icon Key:*
Red = Brown Leghorns for sale
Yellow = Light Brown Leghorns for Sale
Orange = Dark Brown Leghorns for Sale
Green = Danish Brown Leghorns for sale
*The varieties of brown shown in the key are descriptors provided by the hatcheries and breeders. Click on your hatchery or breeder of interest to learn more about the color variety they offer.
You can see that most hatcheries are offering a generic “Brown.” Many of these are the Light Brown variety. Only 1 hatchery specifically sells Dark Brown Leghorns—that’s Eagle Nest Poultry in Ohio. You may need to zoom into Ohio in the map above to see them.
You’ll also see 1 hatchery offers a variety called Danish Brown—that’s Belt Hatchery in California.
Exchequer Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
Exchequer Leghorns are a beautiful black and white variety that first originated in Scotland.
They are sometimes confused with Ancona chickens, but they tend to have a lot more white on their feathers than do Anconas. Ideally, Exchequer Leghorns should have black and white equally distributed in their plumage. They also have white as the under-color on their feathers, whereas Anconas have black as the under-color.
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of Exchequer Leghorn hens, roosters, and chicks.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Exchequer Leghorn chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Red Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
Red Leghorns are a deep, solid red color, and may be glossy, particularly roosters.
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of Red Leghorn hens, roosters, and chicks.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Red Leghorn chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Silver Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of Silver Leghorn hens, roosters, and chicks.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Silver Leghorn chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
White Leghorn chicken hatcheries and breeders
White Leghorn chickens are by far the most popular variety of Leghorn, and one of the most popular egg-laying chickens of all breeds. White Leghorns are generally better layers than other Leghorn varieties.
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of White Leghorn hens, roosters, and chicks.

And in this video slideshow, you can see examples of White Leghorn Bantams.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell White Leghorns and White Leghorn Bantams. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Map Icon Key:
Red = White Leghorns for sale
Yellow = White Leghorn Bantams for Sale
Orange = White Leghorns & Leghorn Bantams for Sale
Other Leghorn chicken varieties: Hatcheries and breeders
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of other Leghorn varieties available for sale—Black, Blue, Isabella, and Mille Fleur Leghorns.
Note that the video of the Mille Fleur Leghorns shows very young birds. As they age, they will get more white in their Mille Fleur plumage pattern.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Black, Blue, Isabella, or Mille Fleur Leghorns. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Map Icon Key:
Red = Isabella Leghorns for sale
Yellow = Black Leghorns and Mille Fleur Leghorns for Sale
Orange = Blue Leghorns for Sale*
*Some hatcheries and breeders selling “Blue” chickens will actually give you a mix of Blue, Black and Splash chicks. Click on your hatchery or breeder of interest to learn more about the color varieties they offer. Read their fine print or contact them for clarification.
Disclaimer: I am providing information about hatcheries, but I am not endorsing them. Be sure to do your own due diligence before purchase. For more information on due diligence, check out the article, NPIP certification: How to know if your breeder or hatchery is safe to buy from.