Russian Orloff chicken hatcheries and breeders
UPDATE: These hatchery databases are no longer current. The databases were last updated in 2020.
In this post, you’ll learn where you can find Russian Orloff chickens.
Orloff chicken hatcheries and breeders
Check out the video slideshow below to see examples of Spangled Orloff roosters, hens, and chicks.

The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Orloff chickens. Click on your breeder or hatchery of interest for more information.
Map Icon Key:
Red = Spangled Orloffs for sale
Orange = Spangled Orloffs and Mahogany Orloffs for sale*
*Sand Hill Preservation Center in Iowa sells a rare Mahogany Orloff variety.
Disclaimer: I am providing information about hatcheries, but I am not endorsing them. Be sure to do your own due diligence before purchase. For more information on due diligence, check out the article, NPIP certification: How to know if your breeder or hatchery is safe to buy from.